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公司名称 - 裕茂汽配有限公司


广州裕茂汽配有限公司成立于2004年。公司秉承“诚恳、诚心、诚信”的经营理念,在短短的两年间创造了从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强的卓著业绩。作为汽配行业的后起之秀,我们始终对自己的能力充满信心。两年来,裕茂人个个以公司为家,对工作尽职尽责,为了公司的成长尽心尽力。通过大家的共同努力,我们从两年前一间默默无闻的小店,发展成为集批发和生产加工于一体,客户遍及国内外的专业配件公司。   为了保证公司快速、健康地发展,裕茂人时刻都以“诚恳、诚心、诚信”作为自己的行为准则。   诚恳:以恳切的心态倾听每一份意见、建议。   诚信:以严谨的心态对待每一次合作,童叟无欺。   诚心:以真挚的心态为每一位客户服务,不虚不伪。   我们的目标是要成为一流的汽配经销商与生产商,提供最优质的汽车零配件。为了早日实现这一目标,我们会继续不懈努力。总有一天,我们会从一棵稚嫩的小树苗,成长为葱郁茂盛的参天大树。 国内业务 服务 HOME BUSINESS SERVICES   广州裕茂国内业务部主要经营江淮瑞风系列车型全车配件,公司已和许多配套生产厂家开展了业务合作,建立了完善的产品购销体系,进入我们的仓库的每一件货物,都要经过采购人员以及仓管人员的精心挑选和严格把关。对从我公司售出的每一件商品的质量,我们始终都充满信心。 出口业务 简介 EXPORT BUSINESS PROFILE   Guangzhou Yumao Auto Parts Co.,Ltd。was established in 2004。We specialy deal in the whole set parts of Korean cars。Following the managing philosophy of “Being cordial,honest and sincere”,we have made outstanding achievements in two years and turned YM to a big and strong player in the market from a small and weak market follower.   We always have great confidence of ourselves。In the past twos years,everyone in YM treated the company as his second home and tried to make contribution to if in every means。Through the efforts of all the members of YM,we have developed ourselves from a small unknowned-to-public store to a professional auto parts company with clients both at home and from abroad,integrating retailing wholesaling and manufacturing.   Everyone in YM makes “Being cordial,honest and sincere” his code of conduct to guarantee a fast and healthy development of the company.   Sincere:serve every customer sincerely and wholeheartedly.   Honest:treat every cooperation with preciseness,no cheating.   Cordial:listen to every complainment and suggestion in earnest.   Our aim is to become a top-ranking auto parts wholesaler and manufacturer,supply auto parts with the best quality。For this purpose,we will keep on working hard and we believe that we will grow from a sapling to a luxuriantly green tree one day.


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    建立企业商铺 在线洽谈生意

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